“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.”


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Hi, I am Scottie


Mom of 3 & Certified Health & Life Coach. My purpose is to help moms create more joy, time & energy by self-prioritization!

I help moms reconnect with themselves and understand what is actually possible in their life as a mom!

Time to end Mommy Martyrdom & start loving your life!


Loving yourself requires knowing yourself! 

The foundation of your happiness is based solely on the relationship you have with yourself. PERIOD!!!

It is the most important relationship you will ever have in your life since all other love stems from it! When you finally love yourself, everything else falls into place. 

It does require having an idea of who you are, what you want and what you need to thrive! 

And that is why I have created these prompts to help you start that self-discovery. 

When you do this, you learn what brings you joy, what you need and what you want most in this world. Only then can you actually go out and ask for it! 






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